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The LICIT lab and Université Gustave Eiffel call on Neovya for a GPS navigation app

Neovya deploys a GPS navigation app for the LICIT

A new generation GPS navigation app on smartphone integrating traffic management measures!

Real time and centralized road traffic management strategies are designed to have an impact at the city or district scale to improve the global traffic flows and/or reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants by going beyond classic local control strategies such as local signal actuations at junctions or small series of junctions. However, today’s guidance and navigation systems do not take into account this kind of measures in the route calculation engine. How can we bring back together the best and fastest individual itinerary at a particular T time with the collective optimum defined by the local public authority?

Within the scope of the collaborative project ERC PoC MAGnUM+, supported by the European Commission, Université Gustave Eiffel with its LICIT lab calls on Neovya’s expertise and know-how to design and develop a new generation mobile app for road guidance and navigation to be tested in the city of Lyon (France).

" Navigation and guidance systems have made substantial progresses for the past decade. Yet, none of them is able to integrate strategies and measures deployed by local public authorities. The challenge here is to guide drivers by including traffic management and control measures activated by the authorities. It is about reaching the goals of reducing road traffic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to Neovya’s technological expertise and software know-how, we were able to break down this technological barrier to deploy a new generation guidance app in record time and evaluate its relevance with a target sample of the population." says Ludovic LECLERCQ, director of LICIT Lab.

To find out more, download the LICIT lab success story!


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