What does
Neovya Hubsim?
Provides cutting-edge technologies in a secure and modular workspace designed for everyone.
Neovya Hubsim integrates the best of technology to offer a seamless user experience and simplify data analysis, modeling and simulation, whatever the approach (static or dynamic), whatever the scale (full network, axis or defined areas).
Neovya Hubsim is based on a fully secure, scalable and modular cloud architecture that fits with your needs whatever your requirements.

Visualize your data with a few clicks

travel time

transport usage

Open data
transportation service
bicycle network
socio-economic Data
road equipment
parking lot
electric charging

Floating car data
travel time

Integrating & processing heterogeneous data
Managing road traffic also relies on data intelligence. Mobility data typology is directly linked to methods or equipment which helped collecting it:
automatic counting systems (loops, cameras, radars, …)
localized surveys
temporary counting campaigns
GPS and smartphones
connected vehicles (Floating Car Data)
These are today’s main data sources which provide us with key information on flows, speed, occupancy, vehicle types, vehicle positions and trajectories, travel time, etc.
Various applications
Bearing for equipment and data collection systems failures with data completion algorithms.
Predicting road traffic conditions on the short term with machine learning technologies based on historical data sets.
Classifying sensors or calendar days which present similarities within data patterns.
Centralizing and processing heterogeneous data to detect key indicators and create an enlightened global vision.
Key benefits
Improving knowledge on the mobility system to optimize its operations or to plan new investments.
Predicting road traffic conditions with reliability.
Creating robust digital twins for simulation.
Advanced computing engines
In an architecture that smartly combines scientific algorithms, machine learning and data science to offer unmatched modularity and speed of calculation
Powerful & fast
Multi-dimensional management, geo-referencing, speed of calculation ... Powerful algorithms optimized for data analysis and simulation.
Scientifically approved
Static modeling, dynamic, macroscopic, microscopic simulation ...
Proven simulation engines coming from the best scientific researchs.
Modular & seamless
Data fusion, network modeling, simulations, scenarios definition, analysis, visualization ... Multiple functions integrated into a unified platform.
Strong partners

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