Optimize itinerant journeys of your company
We help you to optimize the organization of your itinerant journeys
Data from itinerant journeys thanks to information collecteds
The effectiveness and relevance of the current distribution of your roaming
The organization of your roaming according to your needs and constraints

Neovya supports you in your projects
Neovya offers you its services to guide you in your decision-making regarding the mobility of your business.
Centralization of your traveling trips and/or tours on a single file
Automated calculation of CO² emissions using our Neovya DailyCommute software
Automated calculation of CO² emissions by our Neovya DailyCommute software
Strategies for reorganizing tours according to different constraints
Monitoring changes and impacts
A complete service
Intuitive platform
Custome made
Do you want to convert your fleet to electric vehicles but don't know where to start?
Find our article
“Electric automobile fleet: a reality for businesses?”

Customer testimony
We were able to quickly deploy the Neovya Daily Commute solution across several of our companies. Their data is integrated in just a few clicks. The solution is based on state-of-the-art computers, which prove to be very efficient. It is very easy to use, accessible everywhere and all the time. We have access to clear and concise dashboards to effectively manage our strategy. Thanks to the solution, we have a precise overview of the CO2 emissions linked to the home-work travel of our employees. We can now consider concrete and pragmatic measures on a collective and individual scale to encourage a shift towards more virtuous alternatives.
Nicolas Galet
Low-Carbon Development Manager
Facilities Sud Centre Est, VINCI Facilities