Jul 241 minDREAL NA : Development of a high occupancy vehicle laneNeovya assesses the impacts of adding a carpooling lane on the A62 heading towards Bordeaux.
Oct 28, 20211 minFrench road directorate is testing HOV lanes on the motorway A7 with Neovya HubsimThe french Central East Road Directorate (DIRCE) calls on Neovya Hubsim to boost the development of alternative modes.
Sep 2, 20211 minJoin Neovya at INNOPOLIS EXPO in Paris on Sept. 21 & 22 JOIN NEOVYA AT INNOPOLIS EXPO IN PARIS ON SEPT. 21 & 22 EXPO
Jul 22, 20213 minMaking the most of road traffic data to test operating measures for carpooling reserved lanesReserved lanes for carpooling on roads and motorways: how to operate them? Reserved Lanes for carpooling on road or motorway...
Feb 9, 20214 minCarpooling, a way to decarbonize road mobility in smart cities & metropolitan areas!It is now a reality, Lyon (the second largest metropolitan area in France) has open its high occupancy vehicle lane (HOV).